Car mileage figures are often given as litres per 100km (l/100km) in Canada and some European countries, although as engine efficiency improves kilometres per litre (km/l) is becoming a more common measure of performance.
These miles per gallon to litres per 100km converters offer a quick quick converter for specific values, just enter the value you need to convert in the appropriate box and click the convert button.
Quick Conversion - MPG to Litres Per 100km - IMP Gallons
Quick Conversion - MPG to Litres Per 100km - US Gallons
If you are moving from the US or UK to a country that uses l/100km our converters can help you work out the fuel efficiency of a car you are looking to purchase and to compare it to figures that you are comfortable with.
Quick Conversion - Litres Per 100km to MPG - IMP Gallons
Quick Conversion - Litres Per 100km to MPG - US Gallons